Tuesday, July 19, 2011

kirsten hively | project neon

all images are by kirsten hively
whose project neon was recently featured in the new yorker
click on any image to enlarge

1 st. paul's house
2 st. paul's house
3 orothodox cathedral of the holy virgin protection
4 new covenant holiness church
5 father's heart ministry centre
6 city chemist
7 st. paul's house
8 new yorker, july 4, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

adam gopnik | the absence of impossibility

I was filled with feelings of helplessness and stupidity and impotence that I had not experienced since elementary school. Why was I so unable to do something so painfully simple? Whatever sense of professional competence we feel in adult life is less the sum of accomplishment than the absence of impossibility: it's really our relief at no longer having to do things we were never any good at doing in the first place.

from "Life Studies: What I learned when I learned to draw"
Adam Gopnik
The New Yorker, June 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 05, 2011